DSA MAWG banner

We believe that mutual aid is a key component in building community power.

The Mutual Aid Working Group (MAWG) works to provide support and advice to DSA local chapters, and provides training and materials about mutual aid and community resilience.

If you are interested in promoting mutual aid efforts in chapters or nationwide, JOIN OUR WORKING GROUP! We will be in touch about getting you plugged into our work.

You can also search the DSA Discussion Board for Mutual Aid topics.

Responsibilities: Our Members

  • Make a commitment. Make a commitment to joining and working on projects. Join a subcommittee.
  • Do the work. Take notes at meetings, help out where you can, and volunteer to do administrative tasks.
  • Follow it through. Finish your work, if you can’t then let someone know. Be communicative about your capacity.
  • Take a break, but let us know. Life happens, and that’s okay, but let us know if you need to step back from the working group.
  • Make connections. Get to know other members of the working group.

Responsibilities: Our NPC Liaison(s)

  • Submit any requests from MAWG (statements, bylaws, items to be voted on, etc) to the NPC or NPC Steering Committee in a timely manner
  • Maintain the membership list
  • Maintain Slack access
  • Liaising with DSA staff or other NPC members
  • Maintaining the ActionNetwork instance

Responsibilities: Our Steering Committee

  • Updating the calendar and keeping it current.
  • Ensure that the minutes and agendas are complete and accurate and add them to the “Minutes and Agendas” folder in the MAWG Google Drive
  • Checking and responding to emails sent to [email protected]
  • Writing the NPC Report each quarter
  • Engaging with MAWG members, participating thoughtfully and fully
  • Liaising with MAWG subcommittees